November/ December Newsletter


Dear Friends,  

Can you believe we are already halfway through December? Time is going by so fast, it feels like we are already a few months into 2024. I also made a mistake and thought that I had already posted November's newsletter... so here we are with November and December in one...! :)

Thank you to each of you who attended Sound & Silence last month, & a special thank you to Linda who attended the most sessions and left this sweet testimonial:

“Thank you dear Ruhiya for facilitating a beautiful November portal and energy for healing. I thoroughly enjoyed and received such brilliant light as I am sure the same for our evolving planet. Love & blessings to you”

I intend to set some dates for the New Year and will be in touch regarding those.

Last month I was also honoured to share a musical prayer for "Unity through Geometry", organised by Adam Williamson and Salah Ayub. Expert on Al Aqsa, A Q Spiker, shared a guided visual online tour, followed by Adam Williamson, who skillfully taught us a beautiful pattern from the Dome of the Rock. Over 200 participants signed up for the event, which raised around £5000 for those suffering in the recent atrocities in the Holy Land. Let us continue to offer prayers and offer help in the ways that are possible.

Music-wise, I have still been on a writing spree, and intend to soon embark on a recording spree. I also hope to be in touch with some new live concert dates by the time of the next newsletter. :) In the meantime, I have been sharing some little clips of music on Instagram and YouTube

With Christmas coming up, some of you may be interested to know that I have some ceremonial cacao all the way from the Philippines! It is grown on an organic farm in Bohol by a lovely friend of the family. If you would like to support a good cause and order some deliciously pure chocolate, just pop me an email on and I will send you more details. Raw cacao is high in iron, antioxidants, magnesium, and is said to open up the energetic centres of the heart, resulting in a nice warm fuzzy feeling. (I recommend melting a few blocks in spring water with vanilla essence, honey, sea salt and plant milk ;)) <3

That's all for now my friends. 

Wishing you a festive season filled with love, harmony and beauty!

With love,

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